
杨悦, 吴晓微, 董思贤, 沈海龙, 杨玲

森林工程 ›› 2025, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (2) : 288-297.

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森林工程 ›› 2025, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (2) : 288-297. DOI: 10.7525/j.issn.1006-8023.2025.02.008


  • 杨悦1(), 吴晓微1, 董思贤1, 沈海龙1, 杨玲1,2()
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Inhibiting Effect of PVP on Tissue Browning of Quercus mongolica and Its Physiology Response During Culture

  • Yue YANG1(), Xiaowei WU1, Sixian DONG1, Hailong SHEN1, Ling YANG1,2()
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为降低蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)组培过程褐化现象,阐明褐化发生是否与抗氧化酶系统及酚类物质产生有关。以蒙古栎成熟合子胚为材料,利用组织培养技术优化蒙古栎再生植株体系获得再生植株,探究聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)抑制褐化处理对蒙古栎合子胚萌发的生理生化指标的影响。结果表明,PVP 40(40代表PVP平均分子量范围)抑制褐化效果最佳,添加0.2 g/L PVP 40不定芽诱导率最高,为71.17%,其芽增殖系数为3.90,芽生根率为40.37%,移栽存活率为73%;PVP降低了蒙古栎外植体抗氧化酶、多酚氧化酶活性及总酚酶活力,有效抑制褐化现象。PVP有效降低蒙古栎组培褐化效果抑制褐化不再加剧,优化蒙古栎器官再生植株体系,分析PVP抑制褐化处理对蒙古栎合子胚萌发的内在生理机制,为栎属其他树种抑制褐化提供参考。


In order to reduce the browning phenomenon of Quercus mongolica during tissue culture, it was clarified whether the browning was related to the production of antioxidant enzyme system and phenolic substances. Mature zygotic embryos of Q. mongolica were used as materials, and the regeneration plant system of Q. mongolica was optimized by tissue culture technology to obtain regenerated plants. The effects of PVP on the physiological and biochemical indexes of zygotic embryo germination of Q. mongolica were investigated. The results indicated that PVP 40 had the best effect on inhibiting browning (40 represents the average molecular weight range of PVP). The highest induction rate of adventitious buds was 71.17% when 0.2 g/L PVP 40 was added. The bud proliferation coefficient was 3.90, the rooting rate was 40.37%, and the transplanting survival rate was 73%. PVP reduced the activity of antioxidant enzymes, polyphenol oxidase and total phenolase activity of Quercus mongolica explants, and effectively inhibited browning. This study effectively reduced the browning effect of tissue culture of Q. mongolica and no longer aggravated the browning inhibition, optimized the organ regeneration plant system of Q. mongolica, and analyzed the internal physiological mechanism of PVP inhibition browning treatment on the germination of zygotic embryos of Q. mongolica, so as to provide reference for other species of Q. mongolica to inhibit browning.


蒙古栎 / 聚乙烯吡咯烷酮 / 褐化 / 植株再生 / 生理生化

Key words

Quercus mongolica / polyvinyl pyrrolidine / browning / plant regeneration / physiological biochemistry


杨悦, 吴晓微, 董思贤, 沈海龙, 杨玲. 聚乙烯吡咯烷酮抑制蒙古栎组培褐化效果及其生理响应[J]. 森林工程, 2025, 41(2): 288-297 https://doi.org/10.7525/j.issn.1006-8023.2025.02.008
Yue YANG, Xiaowei WU, Sixian DONG, Hailong SHEN, Ling YANG. Inhibiting Effect of PVP on Tissue Browning of Quercus mongolica and Its Physiology Response During Culture[J]. Forest Engineering, 2025, 41(2): 288-297 https://doi.org/10.7525/j.issn.1006-8023.2025.02.008
中图分类号: S792.186   


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